Thursday, January 28, 2010

100 Days of School!

We recently celebrated the 100th Day of School! We began the morning by inviting our 3rd grade reading buddies to read 100 books with us! The children kept track by making a tally mark on the board as partners finished reading a book together. A big cheer erupted when we finished reading 100 books!
The children enjoyed a delicious snack mix as they worked at their desks. Each child brought in 100 pieces of something such as mini-marshmallows, pretzels, and popcorn. We mixed everything together and m-m-m-m it was GOOD!

There were 10 different activities set up for the children to work at, all with the theme of 100! Can Samuel do 100 jumping jacks?

Whew! He did it!

At another station, the children worked cooperatively to use 100 pattern blocks to make incredible designs. It has been a great 100 days of school!

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