Monday, October 11, 2010

Celebrating the RAYS tomorrow!

Dear Parents,

Okay, so my Gators continue to head south, but the RAYS brought me back to life yesterday! Let's cheer on our beloved home team by wearing Rays shirts tomorrow (with uniform bottoms)! We'll send all our good luck their way! GO RAYS!

Social Studies/Science: Not only have the Rays brought excitement, but Lisa Peck, our favorite Upper School science teacher brought more excitement to first grade today! We have been learning about the heart and circulatory system in our human body unit, so Mrs. Peck brought cow hearts to dissect with the children! They were able to see the valves and four chambers of the heart as they learned about their important functions. Our human body unit will continue for the month of October. We love science and we love Mrs. Peck!

Language Arts: This week we are working on words with the digraph /th/ at the beginning of a word, as in that, and at the end of a word, as in path. This week's wall words are: don't her, line, Mr., new, says, and water. This week's robust vocabulary words are applauded, chatty, gather, duty, envy, and resent. We are learning that a noun is a word that names a person, place, thing, or animal. We read the book, "A Mink, a Fink, a Skating Rink" to help us learn to pick out nouns in sentences. This week we are concentrating on nouns that name people or places. As you work with your child at home this week, have him/her point out nouns to you. This week's genre focus is on realistic fiction, stories that are made up but could happen in real life. We are using a graphic organizer called a story map to help us understand and remember the beginning, middle, and ending of stories that we read. Look for a story map in your child's red reading folder this week!

I am sure you have heard that I am reading my favorite book aloud to the class - Charlotte's Web. The third graders are also reading it as a class novel so we are partnering with Mrs. Hensler's third graders for some fun activities during this time. On Friday, Mrs. Hensler's class came to visit and shared narrations they have been working on along with Wilbur paper bag puppets that both classes made. We love working with our third grade buddies!

Writing Workshop: We are learning that we always have a graphic organizer with us to help tell stories that have a beginning, middle, and ending - our five fingers! We are using our fingers to help us internalize and plan the details of our stories ("first", "next", "then", "and then", "finally"). Ask your child about this strategy! We will also be focusing on the most important part of our story and adding details to that part.

Math: In math, we are reviewing basic number-line concepts by counting, adding, and subtracting on the number line. We will also be practicing telling time to the half-hour, and will be introducing a new routine called Frames-and-Arrows.

Things to remember:
  • Rays Day tomorrow! Children may wear a Tampa Bay Rays shirt with uniform bottom.
  • Red reading folder comes home on Wednesday and is returned on Monday
  • Word card ring comes home on Monday and is returned on Thursday
  • Please complete the online parent opinion survey if you have not already done so.
  • No school for students this Friday due to a Professional Development Day for teachers
  • Spirit Day will be Friday, October 22
  • Picture Retake Day will be Tuesday, October 28
  • Fall Festival will be Friday, October 29.
Volunteers this week:
  • Tuesday - Art - Ailsa Hudson (12:05)
  • Thursday - Library Check-out - Valerie Pillot and Kristen Danielson
Go Rays!

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